Saturday, September 1, 2012

Black Bean Pizza on Flatbread

Black bean pizza

Cheeze sauce

I urge you to check out the above links for a wonderful pizza. It's a black bean, bell pepper and red onion pizza on a tortilla. Although I used a whole wheat flatbread. I used Classico Traditional Pizza Sauce and Daiya Mozzarella Cheese.  The avocado was omitted by forgetfulness.

When I tasted the cheeze sauce on its own, I felt it was too salty. All my own doing of course. But actually it worked perfectly once combined with the other ingredients.

The Daiya was creamy and cheesy if not exactly mozzarella-y.  I loved how crispy the flatbread got. It was just like a thin crust pizza. Thankfully I put dairy cheese on the husband's pizza or I would have been tempted to eat more than one!

Pizza on the left with dairy cheese.
It looks prettier but mine tasted just as good!

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