Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Black Beans and Polenta

Keeping things brief as the toddler is tired and cranky!

I have this recipe for black bean polenta cakes but it involves letting the mix set for an hour and I didn't have that kind of time so I just threw all of the ingredients into a pot and ate it as a mush. And it was great. Funny how all the foods I've been making lately make such great comfort food. I always miss those I've lost around this time of year (more than usual) so I guess I was needing it.

Take 1 pre-made polenta "log" and mash it up in a pot with a little bit of water. Just enough to get it less solid. Add a can of rinsed black beans, 1/2 cup salsa and a handful of chopped cilantro. Toss in a pinch of red pepper flakes and serve with sour cream (vegan of course.) I think this was the fastest thing I've ever made. Very little clean up too.

This would be great as a casserole, topped with Vegan cheddar.

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