Friday, May 25, 2012

Pop Tart 12 Step Group?

I fell off the Pop Tart wagon last night. My daughter was having a very bad day and needed a nap. So I took one with her. This was early afternoon, which is usually when I require a snack to prevent a blood sugar crash. Since I slept through that, I woke up shaky, but had a still upset child to address first. By the time I was able to eat something I was starving so I ate almost a bag of veggie straws. Then I felt ill from over eating.

Cut to later....I had no room for supper. Got the child in bed and started to feel the signs of another blood sugar crash. Luckily I had some cut up baked chicken in the fridge waiting to made into a salad. I ate that and felt better..but not satisfied. I wanted something. Something bad.  A pop tart. I am a recovering pop tart addict. I ate them at least once daily for years. I have them on hand for Willa because she likes them and she likes so few things.

I pushed aside the guilt and ate a blueberry, frosted pop tart. And it was wonderful.  Until the following morning. Turns out my stomach no longer prefers processed food. That's all I'll say.  So as of today it is full-on pop tart abstinence for me.  It's a day of mourning.

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