Sunday, May 20, 2012

Blackberry Blueberry smoothie

I have one of those kids who won't drink milk. She never has. I've tried chocolate milk but that only worked for a day or two. No to strawberry milk. No to almond milk.  But YES to yogurt, including Greek yogurt. So now I'm making her smoothies using Greek yogurt.

I like to use fresh fruit but was out so I threw together this:

1 container of yogurt
1 container of the applesauce

a squeeze of honey
a tablespoon of wheat germ
half of a frozen banana
a splash of water

Blend until smooth.

I loved this one.  It's sweet and slightly tart all at the same time. I asked Willa, 21 months,  if she liked it and she said it was "good in mouth!" So I'll take that as a yes. 

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