Thursday, May 31, 2012

Black Bean Quesadilla with homemade Taco Bell sauce

It was quesadilla night. Not that I have a particular night for them but I had the ingredients and it's such an easy throw together meal. But then I remembered finding the Taco Bell Quesadilla sauce, aka jalapeño sauce, recipe and decided to make it, too. I need to keep this on hand at all times.

You can google it and find the same recipe all over the web.

Taco Bell Quesadilla Sauce Recipe:

I used canned jalapeños and put everything into my little food processor. I whirred it until it was smooth. The key is to let it set in the fridge for at least an hour so the flavors blend.

Black Bean Quesadillas:

small whole wheat tortillas
1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
1 avocado, mashed
Taco Bell sauce
shredded monterey jack cheese

Heat skillet on medium heat. Place one tortilla in pan, spread quesadilla sauce and avocado on tortilla. Add black beans.

Add the cheese.

Place another tortilla on top and flip it over once the bottom one has browned slightly.  Once you flip it over, it will brown quickly so stand at the ready.

This was creamy on the inside and crispy on the outside. It was perfect. Not too spicy and all of the flavors blended so well.  I had salsa at the ready but ended up not using it. And it was very filling. 

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