Monday, August 13, 2012

Lentil Tacos

Another favorite around here are tacos. But since I'm no longer eating meat I thought I'd be reduced to using soy crumbles. And then I found this recipe:

Lentil Tacos

So easy and so fast, especially if your lentils are already cooked. I cooked mine yesterday so all I had do today was chop a few veggies and season everything. I was still more rushed while making this than I like to be because I wasn't feeling my best and was anxious to get it done. So I'm sure when I make it again it will be outstanding because it was still pretty great. I didn't feel like messing with a lot of toppings so I just topped it with some diced onion. I also used Mexican soy cheese, which I won't do again. It wasn't needed and really if soy cheese isn't being used melted, it's not worth it. It's not bad, it just doesn't add anything to the dish. She recommended Ancho chili powder but I used regular. I also didn't add hot sauce on the slight chance the baby would try it. She didn't. Too bad because the hot sauce could have helped with my sinus issues!

To respect the people who's recipes I've tried, I'm not going to post the actual recipe  without their permission.  I'll add a link to their site or recommend their cookbook.

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