Monday, July 9, 2012

Cherry Smoothie

I've been wanting to make more smoothies for breakfast and came upon a recipe for a cherry smoothie. I modified it some:

1/4 cup pitted strawberry cherries
1/4 cup raspberries
1/3 cup sugar free cranberry juice
3 oz honey Greek yogurt
1 squeeze of honey
1 small handful of baby spinach

(made about 6-8 oz)

It was sweet and tart. The only thing I need to do is get a fine sieve to pour it through so there will be no seeds.

I also bought a juicer and today I juiced a carrot, an apple, a 1/2 piece of fresh ginger, and 2 small handfuls of spinach to make a delicious fresh juice. It's gingery and apple-y. Really good, which surprised me. I'm thinking of going on a juice fast and wanted to see if I could tolerate the taste of vegetable juice. I still have some experimenting to do but this was a great start!

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