Sunday, January 20, 2013

Veganized Chicken and Cream Cheese Taquitos

Taquitos original recipe

I saw the above recipe and had to try them! It called for everything processed except the spinach, but it was worth the treat.

1 package Morningstar chicken strips (thawed)
6 oz vegan cream cheese
1 couple spoonfuls of vegan sour cream
1 cup Daiya cheese of your choice (I used a combo)
1/2 cup salsa
2 cups baby spinach (stems removed and chopped)
salt and pepper to taste
12 medium sized flour tortillas

Mix everything together.

Preheat oven to 400. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spray with cooking spray.

Put 1-2 spoonfuls of the mixture onto a tortilla and spread it out in the middle. Roll up the tortillas so it looks like a a cigar. Use more or less of the mixture depending on how big you want the taquitos to be.

Place seam side down and make the rest. Spray tops with cooking spray. I ended up with 12.

Bake about 20-25 minutes or until the tortillas are crisp.

Serve with salsa and guacamole.

They are creamy and gooey and yummy.  We had 6 left over so they make great leftovers.

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